What do you think of this new ad campaign:
Joe Strummer, Kurt Cobain new 'spokesmen' for Doc Martens
Apparently the ads will be out soon showing Joe Strummer, Kurt Cobain, Sid Vicious and Joey Ramone as angels wearing Doc Martens in heaven....

Is this a good marketing strategy - - or not?
Maybe the slogan can be. "If you wear Doc Martens you have a 50% chance of dying too young and a 50% chance of dying way too young." I don't think of any of those guys as being typical Doc martens types. I usually think of skinheads when I think of DMs.
Bob is right on. Who wants to wear shoes because Kurt Cobain did?!? Odd.
-- david
I was going to post about this but you beat me to it, lol. I think this is really disgraceful that they are using these guys in their ads. I mean this is the epitemy of exploitation. I have a very difficult time seeing any of these guys wanting to pose for photo shoots to advertise a shoe.
Using dead people in ads is just not kosher. The first one I remember was a beer commercial with John Wayne, and then there's the new Orville Redenbacher's ads; it's downright indecent.
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