Well, I have to get off this topic because its depressing me, and unfortunately I don't mean that sarcastically - it really is.
I know that certain people have a natural inclination toward depression and addiction. Those two things combined often lead to suicide. But there is something about the creative mind, the person who feels so deeply that they can't ignore the pain around them, and inside of them. The person that uses a powerful addicting drug to create a place where life feels good, or escaping permanately through death.
Of course, its not only the artistic types that "choose to leave this world" by numbing themselves or committing suicide. Every individual has his/her own reason.
Nevertheless, I do see a connection. Here is a list (too long to put on this post) if you are interested in the results of some of my research. It's not an all inclusive list, just some info I pulled, mostly off Wikipedia.
Quite a list--and depressing indeed. It's especially sad that some of these folks were "inspired" by others on the list, thinking that to be really creative or cool you should try this stuff.
-- david
David, I agree. Dumb is the best way to describe it.
Malcolm Owen of the Ruts appears on your list. What's interesting is that the Ruts had a number of songs about heroin and not a single one of them glorified it. They were all dark and ugly and came across as very anti-drug to me even though I knew Owen's fate. The sad thing about heroin (or any other) addiction is that it only takes a moment of stupidity to start down that road and it takes a lifetime of recovery to get off of it. I had an aquaintence who was an addict. At one point when he'd been clean for over six months, my wife asked him if it was getting easier. He said that he wakes up everyday and thinks about getting high. He's been on and off the wagon ever since. Even if you get clean, it isn't the end of the addiction. It's always there waiting to rear its ugly head.
David, great observation.
Bob, you said it "it takes one moment of stupidity and a lifetime of recovery"
I lost my first boyfriend to drugs. Not to death - but to the lifestyle, in and out of prison, living for the next fix, etc.
I lost my cousin to heroin addiction, he eventually committed suicide (with a gun not an OD or we never would have known it was suicide).
I have a young woman that I love like a daughter who is/was addicted to meth. I say is/was because even though she has close to 90 days, she could fall back.
Drugs are a huge problem that often goes unnoticed until its too late.
Much too long Layla.. I just bow my head and think of the many talented people who did not get to contribute more to our culture because of the white powder...
I noticed Jim Morrison's had a question mark, and maybe because of the whole conspiracy around his death. From what I've read I heard Jim had a phobia about needles, obviously I don't know how reliable this information was but this was what I had read. So I don't know if he really was afraid of needles or not but that is one of the conspiracies of his death, that he wouldn't do heroin...
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