Once again, money is keeping me from a show I really want to see. This venue is good, but lawn seats are CRAP (they are not shown here because they rarely even SELL lawn seats). You are sitting at the VERY top of the stadium on a steep slope so if you choose to stand up you can't really even dance around without falling. Reserved 3 seats are not terrible, but they aren't great. I don't know....I guess I could dish out $41.50
I've never seen Rush, but I'm told they're still an outstanding live band. Nonetheless, no one is worth that kinda money. It makes me glad that I'm done with big concerts. The last show I saw cost $10, was a benefit for a sick kid, had bands that played their hearts out and I was probably closer than the front row at a big concert.
I just saw them again a couple of weeks ago, and I will tell you ...
I don't care how many other concerts, or meals you miss. Buy the best ticket you can and GO. You will thank me.
- david
DANG IT. I just went to get tickets and its on the 25th. I have to be at this court appointed class with my son that night from 6 - 10. Yep, four hours. I can't get out of it.
Grrrr indeed!
-- david
Bummer you had to miss it but I bet they will be back. I just caught the band in Portland on Saturday and posted a review on my blog at http://isorski.blogspot.com if you are interested!
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