I was having an email conversation with one of you recently and we discussed the fact that man y people "our age" (late 30's - late 40's) have lost their youthful zeal and passion for music. I find that to be very true, but I am not sure WHY. Is it because "growns-ups" aren't suppose to like Led Zeppelin anymore? Are we too old to listen to Sick Puppies? I don't know. I still love rock and roll and can easily see myself at age 75 singing along with Bono, Bruce, Boston or the Beatles...
What do you think? Also, I know most of the people who read here are more into metal than classic rock....I wonder why I don't get classic rock fans reading here?
Tomorrow I am going to post a 'name that tune' quiz that i made up for my other blog...now why the heck did I think anyone over there would respond? I don't know. I only got two comment. I thought I made it WAY TOO EASY!
I totally see that, too. I am not nearly into music the way I used to be and I miss it but I just don't have the TIME to keep up. So I stay with my "old" faves.
I still like the same music I always liked, but my tastes have changed to include different stuff now. The old tunes will always have a certain place and meaning for me.
It's quite fortuitous that I'm reading this while I'm watching Queen's "Night at the Opera" on Vh-1 Classic. I'll be a rocker to my dying day, even though I don't listen to it as much. It's not that I don't care about it anymore, or don't have time(time is one thing I have plenty of); it's just that I listen to a lot of sports talk radio(hey, I'm a sports geek...), plus the local radio scene is less than desirable if you're not a fan of Top 40 or country.
I think people still listen as they get older, but less of them care. Maybe the excitement wears off or maybe, as Ally Sheedy said in the Breakfast Club, "When you grow up, your heart dies." That line has stuck with me since I heard it when I was 13 and I've always strived to keep my heart from dying. I still think of myself as a kid (I'm 36) and not an adult. I'm not irresponsible. I'm not stupid. Actually, I think I'm a better dad, because Is till think like a kid and I care about what kids think. I wonder if we really get wiser as we get older. To some extent we do, but only is some ways. In other ways, we abandon our wisdom to become practical and responsible. In the words of the Who, I still "hope I die before I get old."
All of a sudden i feel left out. I'm only 18 and I love classic rock (not metal), is it okay for an 18 year old in 2007 to like that sort of music?
Lisa, thanks for stopping by!
Cyber, ditto what you said
Bruce, I love VH-1 Classics! I am glad you'll be a rocker forever - me too.
Bob, as you know you were the one that inspired this post and I think maybe you get what I was saying even if I didn't articulate very well.
MIKE - YOU ARE MY HERO! No only is it "okay" its "classic" there is a lot more depth (in my opinion) to the classic rock vs. today's music so you are, in my book, a discerning intelligent person with excellent taste in music :)
I'm 34 and still love my Zeppelin, Sabbath, post Rubber Soul Beatles, etc. To quote Brian Johnson of AC/DC, "Rock & Roll ain't noise pollution. Rock & Roll will never die." At least in my house.
I'm a classic rock fan and I stop by here regularly.
We'll never know if 75 year olds are supposed to like rock 'n roll until we reach that age because The first generation of rock fans hasn't approached that age yet.
People of all generations tend to gravitate toward the music they grew up with. I think memories have a lot to do with it. Most adults tend to think the music of their children sucks. I know adult Zeppelin and Who fans who don't understand the attraction to Nirvana, The Foo Fighters, and The Hold Steady, and The Fratellis.
While I still love the classic rock era I have gotten into quite a bit of modern music (I HATE RAP!) but the newer rock bands I do like are not the loudest ones on the scene. (Good newer bands include Los Lonely Boys and Grace Potter and The Nocturnals). Yet I liked plenty of high-powered bands back in the day. Perhaps as we get older and slow down rock is harder to digest. Do you need more adrenelin and energy to love rock?
It's an interesting question but I don't have a definitive answer.
Great post!
Classic Rocker... No metal head here
Personally Barb, there's really no comparison to yesterdays music & todays. We had it all, the rock, the romance, the pop except for "David Cassidy" with great music & great musicians. I just love good music but I don't find it much in todays music which really is corporate reality....
Sure I like Limp Bizkit & if you have heard of Within Temptation, they just flat out are a blast. So really, like the Rolling Stones, Rock lives through Us....
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