Foghat rockin' into 36th year!
When I saw this article on "Live Daily" today it brought back a memory. It's been a while since I've shared any of my personal stories about meeting "rock stars" and this one, I have to admit, is a BIT fuzzy. It was a loooooooong time ago (like 28 years!).But check this out - in the article below there is NO MENTION of Rod Price!!! Either I am going blind and don't see it, or Kym Kilgore left him out of this article. Rod was a founding member, he left in '80 but it was his
"....signature slide playing ability that helped propel the band to being one of the most successful rock groups in the United States during the 1970's. His slide playing was featured distinctly on Foghat songs Drivin' Wheel, Stone Blue, and the group's biggest hit, Slow Ride, which was a top 20 hit in 1976" (from Wikipedia)
Rod he died in 2005 of a heart attack. So why was he not mentioned here? It's really bugging me. I will write Kym and ask him/her what the deal is.
Ok my story: I was living in Albany, Oregon at the time. The year was 1979. I was only 5 years old. Ok, I was really 19. Anyhow....my boyfriend, Bob, was in two bands at the time, a cover band (the one I was unofficially a part of) and an original band called SLIDER because they were known for having a really great slide guitarist, Kevin, (who idolized Rod Price). So when Kevin heard that Foghat was coming to town he got us tickets AND backstage passes!
This was at a pretty high point in their career so it's rather hard to believe the venue was "The Beaverton Ice Rink", it was so small! When we went back stage to meet the band Rod Price talked to me and Kevin (Bob was busy flirting with the groupie chicks....never date a musician). Anyhow, I don't remember what Rod said, but I recall thinking he was a nice guy.

Classic rockers Foghat are on the road, zig-zagging across the US in support of their forthcoming live album.....
The British blues-rock band formed in 1971 and toured relentlessly for 14 years, scoring several gold and platinum records along the way. After some breaks and some lineup changes, Foghat's original members reunited in 1994, recording "Return of the Boogie Men" and hitting the road once again, according to the band's bio.
The band ground to a halt in 2000 when founding vocalist Lonesome Dave Peverett succumbed to cancer. Foghat's current lineup features Earl, Huhn, longtime bassist Craig MacGregor and guitarist Bryan Bassett.
You used to live in Albany?
Yep, just for a year because of Bob the bass player. You know how you do crazy stuff when your young? I was up there visiting a friend and we met at a party, it was "love at first site" so I moved up. His bands were in Eugene and Portland and Albany was in the middle - so I know that stretch of the I-5 pretty well!
I loved Foghat; still do in fact, and Lonesome Dave was one of the best of his era, if not of all time. I saw them a few years back, with my brother and his wife, in a little hole-in-the-wall bar up in Roanoke. At the time, Roger was the only original member, but they still rocked.
I Loved Foghat and we had them at R.I.T. back in 1973...ah Lonesome Dave ... gonna listen to some Foghat when i get home now...
Hehe you should have stuck around up here.
My dad used to work at the Wah Chang plant. If you lived in Albany you probably know what that means.
Did you know that Lonesome Dave cut his teeth with Savoy Brown in the late 60's? He was one of the many that went through that revolving door of a band. I get to go see Savoy in a couple of months. Can't wait!
FOGhaT RoCKs!!!!!!!
saw them in Vegas at soem huge arena about 1981. it was my very first rock concert. good, rock n roll times!
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