1. Do you subscribe to a rock and roll oriented magazine?
2. If so, which is your favorite?
3. If not, where do you get most of your rock news and reviews?
Obviously the above magazine, Uncut, is my favorite right now. It is produced in the UK and they just seem to have the most comprehensive reviews of all new released albums each month. They have many cool special features, like this months Nick Cave special report.
They also have reviews of all the new movies and of newly released DVD's and even books. Plus each month they include a special edition CD that goes with the special feature of the month. It is a great way to sample some great new music.
All-in-all, it has pretty much all I am looking for in a rock and roll magazine. Give me your input and let me know what you think.
the Brits do it way better...MOJO, Classic Rock, Kerrang all my favs
I don't subscribe anymore but this is a great question. I get Billboard for free and flip through it. Rolling Stone is not worth my time.
I usually read websites and blogs.
I like ... dang, what's it called? Ugh. Ummm...its called ????? I'll think of it at 2 am this morning and come back and let you know.
For anything I need to know about music I use www.metacritic.com If it wasn't for that website It would have taken me longer to find Wolf Parade which in turn put me onto Sunset Rubdown and the Handsome Furs. Wait, no, if it hadn't have been for metacritic my life would be different. Grizzly Bear, Andrew Bird, The National, The Arcade Fire, Anthony and The Johnsons, Patty Griffin, too many to mention. Regularly clicking this website for the latest releases over the years has led me to discover some quality sounds. Thank you Dan for this website and all that contribute to it. Some of my best resources are friends. I love it when a friend comes to me and says the words. "I've got something new" and gives me that knowing look. Good times:)
Q is hands down the best British music magazine!
MOJO and Q in UK
but hardly buy them here in Spain.. I get news from their websites and blogs as Layla's Classic Rock ;)
for metal blabbermouth, for indie pitchfork media.. also allmusic.com for reviews..
MOJO is most excellent. The UK rock mags keep the focus where it belongs: on music.
I just thought of it: PASTE ! They would send a free sampler CD with each issue of some new indie type bands.
Mbop, I have one issue of "Q" a friend brought me home from Ireland when she was over there...guess which band it featured? :)
Maxi - your so sweet :)
Thanks for all the suggestions everyone. I will check them out for sure and really my ??? were sort of a selfish request. Now I have a lot more resources to follow my love of music.
wow! you get a cd filled with new music every month?! that's way cool!!!! i'm signing up!! and thanks to everyone else for the other suggestions!!! clearly i've been missing out...
I would second the vote for Classic Rock - another magazine with a great free CD every month. Recently they have been publishing Classic Rock Presents Prog. Much more expensive the CR but worth a look if you like prog rock.
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