If you were here earlier, I apologize for my unflattering review of Patti's new CD (especially considerning I have not even heard it yet). I feel really bad for suggesting that she is not a talented vocalist, she is for back-ups, I just personally don't care for her style. But...having said that, I wish her the best of luck. And as for her husband....I am DYING for his new CD to come out in October!
Couldn't disagree with you more. Patti is an extremely talented musician, vocalist and writer. Her lyrics are poetry, she plays a bazillion different instruments, and her voice is like "sugar and sawdust" (Bruce's words). I loved her last two albums. They are two of my absolute favorites. I am really excited that she's coming out with a new one. Can't wait for Bruce's too.
I prefer her voice in a supporting role, rather than the lead. Her voice just doesn't appeal to me. She has a very strong voice I will agree. It just hits me wrong. I think it blends well with her husband's, though. I will certainly seek her new release, but I'll try before I buy somehow. I have Rumble Doll, but it's just collecting dust.
Sally, I really appreciate your comment, thanks so much for adding your thoughts!
Todd, I have that one too and mine is also gathering dust. But yeah, with the band she sounds great.
It's funny; I grabbed Radio Nowhere the other day since I used to be a big Bruce fan, but largely because it was free on iTunes. I wasn't all that impressed on my first listen, but after hearing it a few times it won me over. Looks like a return to classic form for The Boss. Can't wait till the full album is released.
Hard to believe Springsteen left Julianne Phillips for this low-grade poon.
But I suppose he left the E-Street Band too so he can't be accused of being smart! LOL
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