I just finished watching the DVD and it was excellent. I lost track of time because I was so enthralled with Joe's talent, he never disappoints. He's truly one of the masters of guitar. His style is hard to define, because its all his own. He mixes hard rock, instrumental rock, jazz and blues and created his own unique techniques.
Legendary bass player, Stu Hamm, is featured on the DVD and does this insane solo that defies description, its sort of like his bass was transformed into a guitar, banjo and harp during this song. Really cool.
If your a fan of "Satch" I highly recommend this new release, if you're not, listen to it and become a fan! It hits the stores on August 7th!
On a personal note, I need to make my next boyfriend either plays guitar or loves to listen to it as much as I do. No exceptions. Joe Satriani loves his guitar, I want a man with that kind of passion.

Surfing With The Alien:
2) Ice 9
3) Crushing Day
4) Always With Me, Always With You
5) Satch Boogie
6) Hill Of The Skull
7) Circles
8) Lords Of Karma
9) Midnight
10) Echo
I've never heard of him, but your description is makes the combination of styles sound interesting.
We're not on the same page with Satriani. If I made a list of the top 1000 guitarists, he wouldn't make it. He's technically talented, but everything he does comes off like an exercise or a guitar lesson not a song. He plays with no feel. To me, it's really self-serving, because he's seems interested in displaying himself, not his music.
Come on, Bob, tell us you really feel. :)
I suppose if I were to truly critique the dude, I'd see what you mean, that's why I make a LOUSY reviewer - I can't be objective, I have a hard time being critical even when I am suppose to be!!! Unless they are just plain crap, I usually say something nice. HOW BORING. That's why I don't do reviews anymore! I can't be trusted :)
Everybody likes what they like and that's cool. Tomorrow, I'll be posting a review that's the polar opposite of nice. Sometimes writing those kinda reviews is fun, but I generally try to find at least something constructive to say, especially if it's a newer band that's still working on their sound.
I saw Satriani live with Dream Theater in Cleveland back in 2002. I was in the fourth row and Satriani was literally sitting directly in front of me (about 20 to 25 ft.)
Granted I went to the show for Dream Theater, but I was on my feet for all of both Dream Theater and Satriani's sets.
He is a brilliant guitarist, I only have one of his albums though (The Crystal Planet). I'll have to check out Surfing With the Alien.
I know that Satch has also toured with Steve Vai and John Petrucci (of Dream Theater) on various different G3 tours over the years. I'm yet to catch one of those shows but man that's a lot of talent on one stage!
I have to completely disagree that "everything he does comes off like an exercise or a guitar lesson".
Have you heard anything from Super Colossal or Is There Love In Space.? I'd love to know exactly what you've heard to form that opinion. I can almost gurantee you its not "everything" Satraini had done.
There is lot amount of thought that goes into his songs, why he chooses certain notes, modes, effects Have you seen the site satchnotes.com?
I love this CD. I love guitar! :-)
Hello, I'm Bob Vinyl's ear, nose and throat specialist and I'm trying really hard to clear up that really nasty, perpetual ear infection of his!
well ...... About Joe Satriani I Would Say that he is quite an exceptional player .... ofcourse but as Mr. Bob vinyl has added before ... he doesnt have that extra feel .. the passion ...the expressions on his guitar .... all he does is technical playing ..... not Playing What He Feels ..... If You Consider Steve Vai .... his student and also the g3 guitarist with him ... i would definitely say that vai's songs are so very impressive and unique that he himself would find it difficult to repeat what he did on stage ... its as if he is completely lost while playing .....
Also I Had Written an article about all this stuff ... about why is someone a better guitar player and what is that element that makes all the difference ..... Plz Do Read My Blog Entry Titled "Unleash The Guitar God Within You " To Have A Better Idea OF It ...
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