October 14, 2011

Music Still in My Soul....

It kills me that I have let this blog fall to the wayside.

If you would have told me I'd stop writing here my response would have been, "yeah, right!  why would I ever do that!?"

Life sometimes takes us on a journey we never wanted to take.  And the one I'm on* is still robbing me from the joy I used to find in writing about my passion:  music.  I still love it, listen to it constantly (Bowie's Starman is in my ear right this minute, 100.3).  But - just can't seem to get anything on "paper".

Now I write about heroin addiction and how its affected my life, and continues to challenge me daily to stay strong, to realize I have no control over my son, and to just keeping hoping for the best and sending good thoughts out to the universe.


Guitarman5150 said...

Barbara, those of you who have followed your journey and blogs for sometime, know of your ups and downs and what's going on there with you.

As you see with my blog sometimes it takes me a while between posts because my life takes unexpected turns.

We all have our roads to take you shouldn't feel guilty or whatever you are feeling about not writing or whatever here. We all understand.

I just pray everything works out with you and your son for his sake and yours.

Bar L. said...

Thanks guitarman, I don't feel guilty, just sad. Thanks for caring about us. He's safe in jail at the moment, my favorite place for him to be if you can believe that!!!

Seano said...

Babs, You know I can relate. I want to make my living as a writer and yet with everything that steamrolls over my psyche...divorce, death depression, drinking....I find myself being pulled away from Circle Of Fits more now than ever. it used to be my safe place...a spark for my soul and a nest for my thoughts on music and otherwise.....I hold out hope that it will be again. I know just how you feel (certainly cannot relate to Keven's trials and tribulations)and at least you still have that other outlet....These blogs are therapy, so have faith that you are doing some good for yourself..in whatever forum you decide to write in.

Love ya, Seano

TAD said...

Barbara: At least you're still writing something. Keep doing it, wherever it ends up. & don't feel guilty. If you want to come back to this blog, the time 4 that will come & I'm sure your readers will still be here. I know blogging certainly helps me get thru my toughest days. Stay tough, & hang in there....

Sean Coleman said...

It is very tough to read this, although nowhere near as difficult as what has brought you to write these words. You have been supportive to so many and I hope that people close to you have your back right now. All I can offer is encouragement to reach out to your son and others going through the pain of addiction. I can't imagine the rough path that you have been walking for the past few years. Wishing you extra strength to keep up the battle, Barbara.

Charlie Ricci said...

Hang in their Barbara! We all understand where you've been, and we all continue to wish you and your son the very best. If and when you start writin' again we'll be readin'.

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